Whenever you decide to get married, videography and photography are often very important. After the wedding, wonderful wedding memories are tied in closely to the photos of the event that you see. 

A wedding is a once in a lifetime experience for the bride and groom. Wedding photography and videography is the best way to capture the most amazing and beautiful moments of a couples’ life. So, how you want to remember those wonderful moments becomes equally as important as remembering them. And this is where the different styles wedding photography come into play.

Wedding photography has two styles – Candid or Photojournalistic and Traditional. Let’s see how they are different from each other:

The differences: Traditional V/S Candid photography

Candid is always spontaneous

Expect the unexpected: Candid wedding photography involves capturing the photos of people who are unaware of their pictures being taken. Hence, the name candid photography.  The photographer moves around the wedding area and simply click the pictures without staging a scene. Hence,  
candid wedding photography is natural photography and brings in a sense of realism.

Candid photography’s true beauty lies in the natural reactions of the each individual. It captures each individual in their best possible emotions and brings out the true feelings of that particular moment through a picture.

For example: To capture a newlywed couple, the photographer can decide a unique angle for clicking the pictures of the bride and groom. He may focus on a scene through different positions. Hence, Candid photography is more creative.

Traditional photography is still a trend

In traditional photography, people are aware that somebody is clicking their picture. Traditional photography follows a more formal approach.  
In this kind of photography, the photographer creates a perfect space to capture a photo where everyone is giving their best pose.

This style of photography, where you have photographers approaching you at regular intervals asking “Please look here”, “ Smile Please”. 

For example, if your photographer is clicking the picture is of a newlywed couple, then both the bride and groom will be visible clearly. Also, the couple will be at the center of the picture captured. 

Technical difference

There is a difference in the approach of traditional photography and candid photography. 

For example, candid photography uses light and click individuals in an informal way. The final look of the clicked photos also depends on the pictures’ processing. And, it also majorly depends on your photographer’s skills too.

The two forms are in the way candid and traditional photography observe a scene requires to be photographed. And also how photographers want to frame a subject in the photo. The difference could also be in  
use of lights and photographer’s preferred ambiance. 

In both styles of photography, the results are very different. But depending on the skills of the photographer, both traditional and candid photography can give you wonderful results. Certain parts of the wedding need traditional photography, while some pictures are best when they are candid. 

So which style is the best?

Traditional photography is the best for you if you prefer the regular style of photography for your wedding. And if you prefer to let the photographer roam free then candid photography is the best option for you. You need not to worry about the photographers and not being obstructed by them and their photography equipment.

But remember, you’re not restricted to choose just one style! You can go for mix photography styles, having most of the best wedding photography shot in a candid manner while posing for a few pictures which will make the framed photographs, covers pictures etc. that you want.

Choose wisely, just remember to specify your desires as a client and look at samples of both the photography styles beforehand and soon you will have wonderful memories in the form of some brilliant photographs concealed in an album!

Get to know more about the best wedding photographer Haythem Lafhaj here. 

Haythem Lafhaj